Kookmaster 21"
sold out
Kookmaster 21"
With a name like Kookmaster, we’re not giving it a nickname.
You want Kitch with a capital “K”, in a small but proud package? Look no further. This apartment-sized Kookmaster is not shy on looks or features, unique and expected: Four burners: check. Match-lit oven: check. Broiler drawer: check. And, just “check” out those kooky burner dials, surpassed only by all the kromed detail in the gorgeous backsplash, with klock, four hour timer, oven light switch, surface light, and electrical outlet. Then there’s that “Spacemaker” stowable glass ingredient shelf. OH! EM! GEE! Singularly useful, utterly kool! We have yet to see more karacter in an apartment-sized stove in any brand.